
Embracing Agility in Your Career: Insights from Mariana Banús, Head of the FIFA Foundation, at the 2024 iWorkinSport Job Fair

Mariana Banús, the Head of the FIFA Foundation, delivered an impactful keynote speech at the 2024 iWorkinSport Job Fair. Her presentation, titled "The Agile Professional: Embracing Change and Innovation in Your First Half," offered profound insights into navigating the complexities of today's job market with agility and resilience.

Starting with Uncertainty:

Banús began by addressing a common concern among professionals: the uncertainty of career paths. She asked the audience if they had their careers all figured out, and unsurprisingly, no hands were raised. This, she emphasized, is normal and even beneficial in today's dynamic work environment.

The Importance of Agility:

Drawing from a Harvard Business Review article, Banús noted that traditional career paths are becoming obsolete. Instead, agility and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances are now crucial. She illustrated this with her personal story of starting as a diplomat and transitioning into sports development, a field she initially knew little about.

Building a Career Portfolio:

One of the key concepts Banús introduced was the idea of a "career portfolio." Unlike the traditional approach of focusing on a single career path, she advocated for diversifying skills and experiences. This, she explained, not only increases job opportunities but also prepares individuals for unexpected changes.

Embracing Setbacks:

Banús shared a pivotal moment in her career: being fired from her dream job. Instead of viewing this as a failure, she saw it as an opportunity to explore other interests, such as writing and international humanitarian law. Her resilience and proactive attitude eventually led her back to her original field and later into sports development.

Networking and Relationships:

Banús emphasized the difference between mere networking and building true relationships. When she moved to Switzerland, she initially focused on meeting as many people as possible. However, she soon realized the value of deeper, meaningful relationships, particularly within the FIFA Master alumni network.

Passion and Attitude:

Highlighting the role of passion and attitude, Banús urged the audience to approach every task with enthusiasm. She shared an anecdote about being rejected for a personal assistant position at FIFA, only to later secure a different role at the organization through her dedication and hard work.

Final Advice:

In her concluding remarks, Banús distilled her advice into key takeaways: embrace your unique journey, build a diverse career portfolio, invest in true relationships, and always be flexible and adaptable. She encouraged the audience to view every experience as a learning opportunity and to stay open to new possibilities.

Mariana Banús’ keynote at the iWorkinSport Job Fair 2024 was a compelling reminder of the power of agility and resilience in achieving career success. Her insights and personal anecdotes provided valuable lessons for professionals at all stages of their careers, inspiring them to navigate their paths with confidence and adaptability.

Watch the whole keynote below.
