iWorkinSport invites all European-based sports-related companies and organisations to sign up for a chance to be listed in the first-ever BEST EMPLOYERS Guide focused specifically in sport for FREE!
Would you like to see the place where you work recognised as one of the Best Employers in Sport?
From September to November 2020, iWorkinSport will conduct a large-scale survey, in order to nominate the Best Employers in Sport - overall and in various categories, such as per size, type of company (e.g. federations, clubs, agencies, sporting goods, technology, etc), and more.
Studies show that companies recognised as “Top Employers” attract and retain more and better talent.
Examples of badges to be awarded to the best ranked organisations in each category.
In such a difficult time, this is an excellent opportunity for Employer Branding!
In addition to the chance of being listed in the Guide, all companies will be able to acquire a detailed customised report providing intelligent and valuable information about their own employees’ satisfaction, as well as a comparison with the industry’s and sector’s benchmarks.
If you are responsible for HR or Employer Branding in your organisation, or if you are just an employee who would like to see your company listed as one of the BEST EMPLOYERS in Sport: just follow this link and fill in the form to NOMINATE YOUR ORGANISATION*.
*All nominations will enter a draw for a free ticket at the next iWorkinSport Job Fair or Virtual Job Fair.
About iWorkinSport
iWorkinSport connects employers and talent, as well as promotes education and career growth in Sport.
iWorkinSport was created in 2017 with the aim to organise the first truly international career fair focused in the sports industry. It enables some of the most renowned organisations to meet, interview and recruit students and alumni from the most prestigious sport management programmes in the world.
World-class sports organisations such as the International Olympic Committee (IOC), FIFA, UEFA, adidas, Juventus FC, Manchester City FC, Infront, IMG, TEAM Marketing, the NBA, Eurovision, Soccerex, the World Football Summit and many others have been in attendance, recruiting at the event.
In addition to the traditional Job Fair, iWorkinSport organises two online events: the Education Virtual Expo and the Virtual Job Fair.
iWorkinSport's mission is to help the best employers in the sports industry to find the best candidates (& vice-versa), to promote education and to create mutually beneficial opportunities for all stakeholders in the field of career development - be it recruiters, HR professionals, candidates, schools, recruitment agencies, consultants, career coaches, or others.
Follow us on our social media channels:
Website: iworkinsport.com
Linkedin: linkedin.com/company/iworkinsport
Facebook: fb.com/iworkinsport
Twitter: @iworkinsport
Instagram: @iworkinsport
YouTube: youtube.com/iworkinsport