iWorkinSport is delighted to announce that Professor Simon Chadwick will be delivering a keynote speech entitled "Be Creative, Add Value - How To Get Ahead In Sport" as part of the iWorkinSport Education Virtual Expo on 27th October, 2021 at 14:00 CEST.
Professor Simon Chadwick is a researcher, writer, academic, consultant and speaker with more than 25 years’ experience working across global sport. He has particular expertise working at the intersection of sport, business, politics, and technology, specifically in a Eurasian context.
Huffington Post identified him as being among the world’s top 30 most important sports marketers, The Independent ranked him amongst its top-10 most influential business people on Twitter, and The Times described him as Britain’s ‘guru of sport management’.
Professor Chadwick’s speech will be followed by a panel discussion with the following Panelists:
Babatunde Buraimo
Dr Babatunde Buraimo is a Senior Lecturer in Sports Management. He was educated at the University of Sheffield and Lancaster University, where he holds a doctoral degree in economics. Dr Buraimo specialises in sports management and economics and has published extensively on the economics of sports broadcasting, demand for sports, and economics of sports participation.
Victor Jordan
He is the Academic Director at Johann Cruyff Institute and University lecturer in the field of technology applied to business at UPF and UOC. Víctor has directed the creation of academic programs of diverse nature, such as Masters or Postgraduates in Sport Management, or in Football Business or MOOC's such as Sports Sponsorship or eSports. He's a PhD candidate in the eSports industry.
Roya Derakhshan
She is a Lecturer of Project Management at SDA Bocconi School of Management and author of numerous article on the subject. Her work has been published in Journal of Business Ethics, International Journal of Project Management and Project Management Journal. Roya won numerous research awards, including IPMA-PMI best paper award in European Academy of Management, 2018, and IPMA Young Researcher Award in 2020.
The session will be moderated by Lavinia Falese, Assistant Professor in Sport Sciences at University of Cassino and Southern Lazio.
The presentation and debate will cover what the market expects from the new generation entering the sports marketplace and the role and importance of formal education in it. Participants will be given a chance to ask questions.
The iWorkinSport Education Virtual Expo takes place on October 27th and November 3rd. It is a free event ideal for anyone who’s considering investing in education as a way to boost their sports career – whether already in the industry or looking to enter it.
To register for FREE, follow this link.
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>> Day 1
>> Day 2