
iWorkinSport Job Fair 2020 to be DIGITAL

In light of the latest developments of the Covid-19 pandemic which mandates social distancing and significantly restricts travel around the world, we come to inform you that the iWorkinSport Job Fair will no longer take place at the SwissTech Convention Center, in Lausanne.

However, it’s not all bad news.

Instead of simply cancelling the event, the iWorkinSport team has worked fast in order to transform the original, physical, job fair into a digital event - we are now looking forward to hosting the first ever iWorkinSport VIRTUAL Job Fair, on 8 May 2020.

Despite the current global crisis, we believe that it is important for graduates from the finest programmes in Europe not to miss the opportunity to interact with recruiters from the most prestigious sports organisations. Therefore, we are now working with our partners in order to finalise this new iteration of the job fair.

We have already organised a successful digital event in December - the technology used then worked perfectly and that gives us the confidence that the iWorkinSport VIRTUAL Job Fair will be a success too.

Find more information about the new digital event in the sections about the Job Fair or the Virtual Job Fair on website.

Stay safe,

Joao Frigerio
Director, iWorkinSport
